Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor

The Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor is the club that has been touching hearts since its founding on April 26, 2002. Since 2010, we have focused our international service efforts building computer labs in Lebanon public high schools; offering microloans in Ecuador, and in Central America and in Mexico training Rotarians to fit prosthetic hands. Our local efforts focus on the Canal District of San Rafael, a mostly hispanic community with challenges in education, nutrition, and employment. We have worked with the Recreational Center at the Albert J. Boro Community Center at Pickleweed Park, at both Bahia Vista and Laurel Dell Elementary Schools, at Davidson Middle School and at San Rafael High School where we sponsor an Interact Club with 25+ members. Our breakfast meeting is held in the Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Avenue at Whistlestop Wheels in Central San Rafael on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 9:00. Join us, and see how you too can touch peoples' hearts!